Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quit India. again quit......

Quit India. 
Our air, food, dresses; dwellings are being polluted and moved under many powers; huge companies. Our foods, so called medicines have become poisoned.

We become diseased through food, dress and other materials called to be modern yet real poisonous. Poison is being covered and sold in modern packets. So called developed countries and wealthy companies thus kill the human beings and other creations of developing countries. Unknowingly they kill themselves too.

Knowingly or unknowingly even our rulers support the above unknown killers and make smooth way even to kill the future generations. The holy nature is being made poisoned  by these cruel producers. Any progress or development that causes direct or indirect disturbances to the ecological balance of the nature is a sin and a cruelty even to the future.

We are not against modern developments. If developments are not suited to protect and keep nature in its creational purity, the whole creations will be in danger. It will be the end of the world. 

We shall say quit nature to many producers that bring forth disturbances to the nature. Actually we all have to turn to Nature as our Creator Aalaha (God) wishes. Live in nature and keep the nature for others too. it is not our our private property. Nature is being handed to us through many and we have to give it to next generations too with out pollution.

  Our earth is being drowned in poison in the name of manure. Natural, environmental products are being brought in poison. We are losing natural products. Do we support these cruelties even unknowingly by buying products that are against environment?  pass this message to protect us and our new born children.