Friday, July 2, 2010

Sleeha 6th Saturday (03 07 2010) Mar Thoma Sleeha

Sleeha 6th Saturday (03 07 2010)
Dukrana of Mar Thoma

Our father’s name means twin.
Some call him, his Master’s twin.
Many even forgot His name.
He was one of great twelve.

His margam flows from MARGAM
His truths start from That TRUTH
His lives; we, start from The LIFE
Praise to MARGAM, TRUTH and LIFE.

Our Father; from Orslem,
He was sent to Hendo land.
He spread URHA upon all
Urha, Persia,Selucia.

India is blessed by URHA
On fifty’s he came, India;
Spread URHA on eight places;
Kodungaloor to Mylapoor.

He was killed at Mylapoor.
His tomb is at Mylapoor.
Lord’s sign is at Mylapoor;
we call; Mar Thoma Sleeva.

Mar Thoma Sleeva expresses
Eesho Mishiha; MAR WAALAH,
One who rose from depth of death.
Thoma calls Him MAR WAALAH.

From the lips of our Father,
We shall call Him MAR WAALAH.
Risen Lord Mishiha comes in us,
as he came to Mar Thoma.

Our Lord and our God,
comes in Holy Qurbana.
See, hear and have Qurbana,
together with our Father.

margam= way. (Hendo = India). (URHA= MARGAM= WAY= EESHO=GOD). (Urha= city of Edessa).(7 ½ pally (churches) ½= not half. Ara in Malayalam means not half but main Ara pally means main pally). Mar Waalah= my lord and my god